Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar??? Freebie and a Peek at my Classroom :)

Sunday, August 21, 2011 20 comments
It was probably me :)  I love a good cookie! :) 

Really quick, because we start school tomorrow and you all know how busy this weekend is, I have a little freebie for you.  I made this for one of my "get to know you" activities the first week of school.

I did not know of an easy way to upload the cookies so that you could type right onto them to put the students' names. You may be able to open the file in publisher or a graphics editing program and add a text box to type into OR you can go old school and actually WRITE the names :)

Anyway, click on the photos above to download.  I put the names on the cookies and then laminated and cut them out.  I have a jar that I will put them in and at the end of the poem the last person that "stole the cookie" will draw a new cookie out of the jar and we will start over.  *IF* there weren't any rules about healthy snacks in our county, I'd probably give them all a REAL cookie at the end of the activity....but I can't :(

Got a few several pics of my classroom that I took before Open House last week.  I always like to see other classrooms so thought I'd post mine too: 

If you've already started back - I hope it is going GREAT!  If you are just starting back like me, GOOD LUCK!  Hope its a great year for all of us!!!!  Now, if I could only get some sleep tonight!

First Day of School Deskmat and "Stamp an Equation" Freebie

Thursday, August 11, 2011 25 comments
I used to buy deskmats similiar to this, but this year I decided to make them myself.  I give this to my students on the first day of school to keep them busy while I sort out the school supplies they've brought in.  This is to be printed on LEGAL-SIZED PAPER (8.5 x 14).  I have these for First and Second Grade up on my Teacher's Pay Teachers sight for only $1.00.

*Print on LEGAL size paper!

Did you get any of these stamps from the Target Dollar Spot?

I made a quick sheet to go with them.  You can click on it if you'd like to download it.

  Have a SUPER weekend!!!  This is my last week of vacation (even though I worked all week).  This, by far, was the shortest summer EVER!

School T-Shirt Freebies :)

Saturday, August 6, 2011 188 comments
A few weeks ago I made some t-shirts for school so I thought I would share what I came up with.

The designs are free, but you have to make the shirts :)  Don't worry - it's SUPER easy!!!  All you need are white t-shirts and t-shirt transfer paper.  I got a pack of three heavyweight t-shirts at Michaels.  I used a coupon and just paid a few bucks.  You can get the transfer paper at Walmart, Target, Staples, etc....

I have the images all ready to print onto the transfer paper - the images have to be flipped (mirror image) to transfer properly so print them out just the way they are!  I teach First grade but I added some Kindergarten, Second and Third grade designs too! 

Click on the image below to download the printable.  Here is the 100th Day printable:

Also, if you are looking for some great activities for the 100th day of school, I have both  of these items in my store for  ONLY $1.00!  Click on the pictures to check them out!


6 Activities in all!  Only $1.00!

Here are more t-shirt printables.  Click on the pictures to get them!

First Grade
Second Grade

Third Grade
Fourth Grade
Fifth Grade

If you don't want to make a shirt, these would be great on totebags, aprons, etc!  

Thanks for looking!  Please visit my store at Teachers Pay Teachers for more great goodies :)

Writing Center!!!

Friday, August 5, 2011 74 comments

I am SOOO excited to have this project finished!  I have been working hard on getting my writing center put together and it's finally done! 

I've recently updated this! It has a new look and LOTS of additional templates and samples!!! 

This is available on Teacher's Pay Teachers for only $5.00!!!  Everything you need to make a complete Writing Center as shown above (minus the tri-fold board).

Make a Writing Center! Everything you need to set up a center full of ideas and successful writing tools. I have made my center on a trifold project board so it will be portable, but this can also be used on walls, bulletin boards or placed in a Writing Notebook. Copies of "What Good Writers Do", "What Can I Write About?", Super Synonyms" and the alphabet chart are perfect to print for each student's writing journal/notebook.
Everything (samples and titles) are sized to fit a Trifold display board. Trifold boards can be purchased at Walmart, Target, Michaels,or any other craft or office supply stores.

This kit was made so you can pick and choose what fits your needs. Samples in this kit are differentiated for you to select the ones that best meet your grade level. There are two different titles to choose from and two sizes of titles to fit different sizes of tri-fold boards, bulletin boards, walls or binders. The larger titles are split onto several pages and will need to be cut and fit together.

Ideas and photos for setting up your board are included in the download. The following items are also included:
1. Two titles to choose from (Each title in 2 different sizes)
2. Example Headings. Headings included are: Letter, Story, List, Card, Postcard, Poem, Recipe, Book. 
3. “What Can I Write About?” Story Prompts
4. "Super Synonyms" Printable
5. “What Good Writers Do” Printable
6. Alphabet/Number Chart
7. Bonus Writing Checklists - Cut and handout to students during the editing process
8. *Two Card Samples
9. *Two Letter Samples
10. *Two List Samples
11. *Book Samples and Story Sample
12. *Two Postcard Samples
13. *Two Poem Samples
14. *Recipe Sample
15. Postcard Template (two per page)
16. List Template (two per page)
17. Card Template (three per page)
18. Two Story Templates
19. Two Letter Templates

*This center includes printable samples/examples for each writing topic. Most samples have two versions to meet the needs of different grade levels. You can easily print the samples and post them on your board, or you could hand write your own samples so the students can see authentic writing. 

** Update!**  Just wanted to add an update to this post to mention that I have added  two new versions of my Writing Center. While this original Writing Center continues to be my best seller, I just thought I would mention the additional choices :)

Here are the two new writing centers, the original is below in this post.  Click on the photos to see these items and read their descriptions/view previews at Teachers Pay Teachers.

While you are at my store, check out some of my new and best selling products including:

My Original Writing Center - My best selling product!
CVC Clip The Sounds

Print Your Own Teacher Subway ArtPerfect for Gifts! 
Don't Get "Frozen" -  A Sight Words Card Game

Read It, Build It, Write ItAll 220 Dolch Sight Words Included

The "Blue Cat" Daily Five Posters

Reader's Toolbox of Reading Strategies

Marzano (Kid-Friendly) Rating Scales

Polka Dot Behavior Clip Chart with Daily/Weekly
Behavior Reports and Punch Cards
Chevron Behavior Clip Chart with Daily/WeeklyBehavior Reports and Punch Cards

Word Family HousesCVC and CCVC Words Included
The Ultimate Writing Center:  Chevron

Sight Words Superhero:  Everything You Need to Motivate and Reward Sight Word Recognition

Sight Words Superhero Add-On Pack:  130 Pages of Sight Word Games and Activities!

Mighty Minions Sight Words Card Game
Mighty Minions Read It, Build It, Write It

Author's Purpose Anchor Charts

Letter AND Sound Picture Mats
Interactive Word Wall Books

The Scientific Method Posters and Activities

Awesome Adjectives with "The Blue Cat"


And, don't forget to follow my store to get a free kit each month!!!  Past "Follower Freebies" include"

Click here to see how to get free kits each month:  Mrs. Gilchrist's Follower Freebies