I'm Having A CHRISTMAS SALE!!!!!

Tuesday, December 23, 2014 No comments
I am having a sale at my Teachers Pay Teachers Store Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and the day after Christmas {that's December 24-26}.  Everything in my store is 20% off :)


100th Day of School Activities! It'll be here before you know it!

Wednesday, December 17, 2014 1 comment
I've just added a new 100th Day of School Activity Pack to my store at Teachers Pay Teachers and in keeping with the spirit of 100, it's

ONLY $1.00!!!  

It includes 6 literacy and math activities:

Click on the picture to check it out!

I also still have my free t-shirt transfers for the 100th Day:

Click on the photo to go to that post to get the graphic.

Monogrammed Binder Sets!!! Great Teacher Gift Ideas!

Sunday, December 14, 2014 No comments
I have something new up on my Teachers Pay Teachers store:  Monogrammed Binder Sets!!

There are MANY styles to choose from!!!  All you do is: 
1.  Pick a style
2.  Send me your info to monogram the cover
3.  Get your personal monogrammed binder cover set via e-mail

Pick a style, then pick a monogram type:

Here are some designs to choose from:

These make great gift ideas for teachers, friends, children, or YOURSELF!

If you would like a custom design, let me know....

A Couple of Quick Christmas Goodies....

Wednesday, December 10, 2014 No comments

For only $2.00 - Santa's Stuck!  A SUPER fun sight words card game!!!!!  Included all 220 Dolch Sight Words - Leveled!!!

For only $1.00 - Find The Hidden Sight Words.  Three Levels included!

Click on the pictures to see these products in my TPT store!

Gingerbread Activities for Sight Words!

Monday, December 8, 2014 1 comment
Each year I LOVE reading all of the different gingerbread books:

And of course,

We read the books, compare and contrast the books, etc..... 

I decided to whip up some word work/literacy centers to use when reading the books:

There are 74 pages of sight word work all for only $3.00!!!!

The first is:  Run, Run, As Fast As You Can!  This is a fun sight words game with all 220 Dolch Sight Words.  Use some of the words or all of the words, the words are leveled, so you can match the level  with your students' needs.

The next activity is "Gingerbread Hunt".  Try to catch the gingerbread boys and girls!  This is a Read and Write the Room activity.  There are 90 sight word cards to choose from, they are leveled into 5 levels (Pre-primer - Third Grade).  There are 18 cards in each level (the most frequent sight words for each level are used).  Hide the cards around the room and the students will go on a gingerbread hunt.  When the find a card, they will read the word and then write the word on the answer sheet.  There are two answer sheets included:  one to use with 10 words (if you only want to hide 10 words) and one to use with 18 words (if you want a longer activity).  I usually assign an extension activity for my fast workers/advanced group - it could be to pick 5 sight words from your answer sheet and write a sentence with each word on the back of the paper, write the words in ABC order, write each sight word 3x each, etc.....

The third activity is a Gingerbread House "Find the Hidden Sight Words" activity.  There are three sheets with different levels of sight words.  Choose the sheet that works best for your class or individual students (differentiation is a BIG thing at our school!).  Use a magnifying glass or hand lens to search the picture for tiny hidden sight words and write the word next to it's corresponding number on the right.  This is another activity where I might assign a follow-up activity (pick 5 words and write a sentence on the back, etc....).  They can also color the gingerbread house when they finish!  There are answer keys included for each level, so students can check their own work.

A Little Christmas Gift From Me to You :) Hand "SANTA-tizer" Bottle Wraps

Thursday, December 4, 2014 No comments
I've gotten my Christmas Tree, been shopping til I drop, and I'm getting into the holiday spirit!           I have a fun little printable that I wanted to share, a little Christmas gift from me to you :)  
I bought 10 oz bottles of hand sanitizer from the dollar store for this project.  I have included pages in this download for you to print and make one bottle (one wrap and one tag on a page), several bottles (multiple wraps and tags per page) and a page that has the wrap in blackline only, I thought this might be a fun option to include so that a child could color the wrap (instead of printing in color). 

This is a great (inexpensive) gift idea for parents, colleagues, friends, etc....  I like to give little gifts from my class to important people at school (administrators, support staff, school nurse, custodians, other teachers, etc..).   My students LOVE it when we go to hand out our gifts to their recipients!!!  This could also be a fun gift for students to take home as a gift to their parents.

This is SO easy to make!  Just print it, cut it out, and wrap it around the bottle.  I secured the back with a piece of tape.  Then just add the tag with a piece of string or yarn.  You can add a message (To & From) on the back of the tag.  

Easy Peasy!  

Just click on any of the pictures to go to my Teachers Pay Teachers store and download this freebie.

Merry Christmas!

Sale Prices!!!!

Monday, December 1, 2014 No comments

It's a little blurry, but if you click on it, it should get bigger.  I'm talking about the list below of my sale items!!!  Next to the name is the original price and next to that is the sale price!  Today and tomorrow everything in my store is on sale 20% and you can take an additional 10% off when you use the code TPTCYBER in the promo code box at checkout.  

You can also go to the "My Products" page on my blog to see a thumbnail of each item (click here).  Just click on the thumbnail and it will take you directly to the item in my store.

The best deal of all is my new 7 Kit Bundle:  "We Go Together".  All SEVEN Kits are only $5.60 when you purchase the bundle during the sale, but hurry it only lasts December 1-2!

Happy Shopping!

GET YOUR SHOPPING CART READY! Time for the TPT Cyber Sale!!! 28% Off My Entire Store!

Sunday, November 30, 2014 1 comment
Get your shopping cart ready!!!! It's time for Teachers Pay Teachers Cyber Sale - December 1-2!!!

I have all of my products marked 20% off and you can save 8% more  from TPT by entering the Promo Code: TPTCYBER at checkout!  That's 28% total :)

I have a few ideas for you:

My newest item - A HUGE bundle of ELA resouces:  88 PAGES IN ALL!

Get ALL SEVEN kits for ONLY $5.04!!!!  THAT IS A STEAL!!!!
Click on the picture to see this item in my store and use the "Preview" link to see more!
Each kit is also sold separately in my store.

Here are a few more new items in my store:

On SALE for $2.16!
(Click on the pictures for more information)

On SALE for $2.16!

On SALE for $1.44!

On SALE for $2.16!

If you need some great gift ideas for Christmas, check this out:

On SALE for $2.16!

This is a GREAT time to buy my Sight Word Superhero kits:

On SALE for $3.60!

On SALE for $4.32!

And My Best Sellers....

Oh my goodness, there is SOOOO much more!  Please check out my store - I have GREAT prices all of the time, but a sale makes my prices AMAZING!