A FREEBIE to use after Winter Break :)

Monday, December 24, 2018 23 comments

I just added a little FREEBIE to my Teachers Pay Teachers Store.  This is perfect to have ready on the desks when students return to school from winter break.

This can be used in both primary and intermediate grades because students can either DRAW or WRITE in the phones (or both).  There are two pages included - one page has prompts at the top of the phones and the second page is black so students can choose their own things to draw or write about.

Click HERE or on the photos below to get this freebie!  And...while you're at my store, make sure to follow me so you can get a FREEBIE every month in your TPT inbox!  

Happy Holidays!!!!
Thursday, August 2, 2018 20 comments
Just added to my Teachers Pay Teacher Store:
(Oh and it's on sale August 2nd - 3rd!)

Last Day of School Signs FREEBIE :) Just Updated for the 2017-2018 School Year!

Saturday, April 14, 2018 8 comments
I've just updated my Last Day of School Signs for the 2017-2018 School Year.  These are PERFECT for end of year photos!

Click on the picture below the get them!  They are FREE!


These match my First Day of School Signs that I update each year.  Be on the lookout for 2018-2019 First Day of School Signs in my Teachers Pay Teachers shop in July!

Also, if you don't follow me on Teachers Pay Teachers, you should!  I just uploaded my latest FOLLOWER FREEBIE for April.  If you'd like a freebie each month, click here to see how easy it is to follow me:  Mrs. Gilchrist's Follower Freebies