I've just posted
an item at Teacher's Pay Teachers to make a Reader's Tool Box. I used this "Tool Box" pretty much everyday last year at Guided Reading. When a child struggled with a word, we'd pull out the tool box and find a tool to "fix it".
Best if all, it's ONLY $3.00! I'd love for you to check it out. And, for the first 5 people to leave me a comment below (with your e-mail) - I'll send one to you for free :)

Create a "Tool Box" of reading strategies for your readers. Fun tools suggest strategies that "build" better readers.
This download consists of 12 pages:
1. Photos of a sample Reader's Tool Box that I use in my class. (Plastic box purchased a Michaels Arts and Crafts.)
2. Reader's Tool Box Cover (to put on your own box, file or large envelope to hold the "tools").
Strategies/Tools included:
3. Saw: Look at the first letters. Get your mouth ready.
4. Hammer: Sound it out.
5. Pliers: Look at the pictures.
6. Handsaw: Break the work into parts.
7. Wrench: Skip the word and come back to it.
8. Screwdriver: Take a running start and re-read the sentence.
9. Tape Measure: Does it make sense? Does it look right? Does it sound right?
10. Bonus! Mini Tool Kits printed two-to a page. Print, cut and laminate so each student can have their own mini tool kit!
12. Photo of tools (to show how they can be cut out).
Suggestions: Print tools in color on cardstock, cut around the tool shapes and words then laminate. Place in a box. Put the cover onto the box lid or purchase a box as shown in the photos.