Author's Purpose Charts

Tuesday, July 26, 2011 117 comments
I wanted to make some charts for Author's Purpose that would appeal to my first graders.  I went with the P.I.E acronym (Persuade, Inform, Entertain) but took it to the next level by actually using Pie as the text examples.  I then added some Other Examples so the students would get additional visual examples of the different purposes.  I have these up on my Teachers Pay Teachers site for only $2.00!

***UPDATE - I had a few requests to add an additional, optional 4th poster for "Explain".  I have now included this in the download too.  

This is also available in a money saving bundle with my Reader's Tool Box:
Click on the picture to see it!
Save With A Bundle:  Author's Purpose Anchor Charts and Reader's Toolbox of Reading Strategies

While you are at my store, check out some of my new and best selling products including:

My Original Writing Center - My best selling product!
CVC Clip The Sounds

Print Your Own Teacher Subway ArtPerfect for Gifts! 
Don't Get "Frozen" -  A Sight Words Card Game

Read It, Build It, Write ItAll 220 Dolch Sight Words Included

The "Blue Cat" Daily Five Posters

Reader's Toolbox of Reading Strategies

Marzano (Kid-Friendly) Rating Scales

Polka Dot Behavior Clip Chart with Daily/Weekly
Behavior Reports and Punch Cards
Chevron Behavior Clip Chart with Daily/WeeklyBehavior Reports and Punch Cards

Word Family HousesCVC and CCVC Words Included
The Ultimate Writing Center:  Chevron

Sight Words Superhero:  Everything You Need to Motivate and Reward Sight Word Recognition

Sight Words Superhero Add-On Pack:  130 Pages of Sight Word Games and Activities!

Mighty Minions Sight Words Card Game
Mighty Minions Read It, Build It, Write It

Author's Purpose Anchor Charts

Letter AND Sound Picture Mats
Interactive Word Wall Books

The Scientific Method Posters and Activities

Awesome Adjectives with "The Blue Cat"


And, don't forget to follow my store to get a free kit each month!!!  Past "Follower Freebies" include"

Click here to see how to get free kits each month:  Mrs. Gilchrist's Follower Freebies

Silly Band Math (and a Freebie)

Wednesday, July 20, 2011 17 comments
I went to Walmart the other day and found packs of silly bands for $1 (on clearance from $2).  I immediately looked to see if they had the alphabet packs because I had been looking for these to use in Word Work centers - SCORE!  They had them!  They also had number sets so I started thinking that would be great for a math center too.  I made up a couple of math boards to use with them - one for addition and one for subtraction. 

I also made up a quick answer sheet to put both addition and subtraction equations on.  My school is a green school (we don't make copies) so we would normally just write the equations right in our math journal, but I may sneak this out (will have to run copies at home - that is why I put the answer sheet two-to-a page).  Anyway, if you would like to use this, you can save paper too :)

Click on the image below to download the Silly Band Math boards and answer sheet :)

Happy Wednesday! 

More Pinterest Inspiration & Another Freebie :)

Tuesday, July 19, 2011 32 comments
First of all, I ♥ Teacher Tipster!  I saw this idea on his site:  Power Towers.  You've gotta watch the video if you haven't seen it.  I've had it on my list of things to do - even had the Pringles cans saved.  

I made some covers for my Pringles cans.   I made the one for Math -  and I also made up another one for Reading:

The Pringles cans come in two sizes - one is taller than the other.  I originally got the taller cans but they were too tall, there was too much space left after putting the cups in.  I went back and got the shorter cans (4.93 ounces) and they work great!  You will need to trim the top and sides of the pages just a little to make the pages fit on the cans - easy peasy!

If you would like these, click on the pictures below to download them for free: (Update:  I have updated the look of these as you can see in the pictures)

Can't wait to use these in centers next year!

Story Map Inspiration

Monday, July 18, 2011 21 comments
I saw this fabulous Story Map on Growing Kinders a few weeks ago and was so inspired by it that I knew I had to make one for my class next year.  Isn't it brilliant???

This is what I came up with:

I will get this laminated when school starts back so I can use a dry erase marker to write on it (instead of using the sticky notes - although I like the sticky notes too!).   

*I had a freebie download for this but had to remove it due to the graphics/clip art I was using deciding to change its terms of use and no longer allowing teachers to post free items with their graphics.  I hate that :(

Happy Monday!

Reader's Tool Box - Stategies to "Build" Better Readers!

Saturday, July 16, 2011 34 comments

I've just posted an item at Teacher's Pay Teachers to make a Reader's Tool Box.  I used this "Tool Box" pretty much everyday last year at Guided Reading.  When a child struggled with a word, we'd pull out the tool box and find a tool to "fix it". 

Best if all, it's ONLY $3.00!   I'd love for you to check it out.  And, for the first 5 people to leave me a comment below (with your e-mail) - I'll send one to you for free :)

Create a "Tool Box" of reading strategies for your readers. Fun tools suggest strategies that "build" better readers. This download consists of 12 pages:

1. Photos of a sample Reader's Tool Box that I use in my class. (Plastic box purchased a Michaels Arts and Crafts.)

2. Reader's Tool Box Cover (to put on your own box, file or large envelope to hold the "tools").

Strategies/Tools included:
3. Saw: Look at the first letters. Get your mouth ready.

4. Hammer: Sound it out.

5. Pliers: Look at the pictures.

6. Handsaw: Break the work into parts.

7. Wrench: Skip the word and come back to it.

8. Screwdriver: Take a running start and re-read the sentence.

9. Tape Measure: Does it make sense? Does it look right? Does it sound right?

10. Bonus! Mini Tool Kits printed two-to a page. Print, cut and laminate so each student can have their own mini tool kit!

12. Photo of tools (to show how they can be cut out).

Suggestions: Print tools in color on cardstock, cut around the tool shapes and words then laminate. Place in a box. Put the cover onto the box lid or purchase a box as shown in the photos.