First Day (or week) of School Goodies and Activities!

Thursday, July 30, 2015 No comments

Want some cute goodies to hand out on the first day of school or "Meet The Teacher"?  What about a fun activity for the first day (or week) of school?  I have both (or either) in one kit.  

You can get them separately or save when you buy both in a bundle!

Each kit contains full color printables AND blacklines for students to design and color their own.
Each kit contains grades K-2!

Just a few examples - ALL ITEMS come in color and blackline (not all are shown!).

*There are two different crown designs for First and Second Grade.

 My raffle ends TONIGHT - hurry if you haven't entered!!!

ANOTHER Back To School FREEBIE & Enter my raffle!!!

Sunday, July 26, 2015 No comments
I have tons of Dolch Sight Word resources in my TPT store but have been asked by several people to add some Fry Word resources.  I have recently added two new Fry Word kits (which are also available in Dolch Words):  (Click on the pictures for more info)

This is also available for Dolch Sight words:


This is also available for Dolch Words:

I'll be adding more Fry resources soon....

Don't forget to enter my raffle for 5 FREE Products from my Teachers Pay Teachers Store!  You can pick any five you'd like!  I've got some GREAT bundles - that's what I'd probably choose, if it were me :)  AND this:

Just click here (on the pic below) to go to my raffle:

and last, I have ANOTHER Back to School Freebie!  Click on the pictures to get either or both:

 Here's the other Back to School Freebie that I posted last week: 

For more Back to School resources:

Back To School FREEBIE!

Sunday, July 19, 2015 No comments

I've got a new FREEBIE in my Teachers Pay Teachers store.  This is a Back to School Color Sort.  There are 48 color sorting cards (back to school items) and 6 sorting mats.  Students will sort the colors onto the mats:
Here are a few of the items they will sort:

Click on the picture to check it out!  You can view the Preview file at Teachers Pay Teachers to see more that is included in this HUGE kit - perfect for the first weeks of school!

Don't forget about my Summer Giveaway #3 Raffle!  Click on the picture below to enter!

Summer Giveaway #3: Your Choice of 5 Products from my Teachers Pay Teachers Store!

Friday, July 17, 2015 No comments
Time for Summer Giveaway #3:  YOUR CHOICE of 5 products from my Teachers Pay Teachers store.  Pick any 5 things you would like!

Enter this giveaway by signing up via rafflecopter (no strings attached and your information will NEVER be used for anything):

The best option in this Rafflecopter is to follow my store on Teachers Pay Teachers!  (If you already follow my store, you can enter the number 1234 on Rafflecopter).  There are no strings attached to follow PLUS you get a FREE download each month!!!  You can also follow my blog, follow me on Pinterest, pin this raffle on Pinterest (you can do this option EACH day for more chances to win!) and answer a question.

Check out my store and make a list of what you'd like.  I hope you win!  While you are at my store, please check out my newest product:

65 pages of Back to School Centers, Word Work, and Activities!  PERFECT for the first weeks of school!

Click on the photo to go to Teachers Pay Teachers and check it out.  Make sure to view the PREVIEW file at Teachers Pay Teachers to see more!

Back to School Centers, Word Work, and Activities!

Thursday, July 16, 2015 No comments

It's finally finished!  Whew!  I've just uploaded this Mega BACK TO SCHOOL kit!  65 pages of easy to implement centers, word work and activities.  I have this geared towards K-2 because many of the activities are easy to differentiate for different levels.  I wanted to have centers/activities that were easy for students to understand and didn't need a lot of front-loading.  Things are crazy enough the first week or two of school!!!!  I've also included some busy work   time-fillers, (dare I say it?) well, activities that take time and keep students engaged, busy, and independent.  You know how those unexpected things just seem pop up the first week of school that take a LOT of time to handle when you don't have time for them.  New students showing up that weren't on your roster, beginning of the year assessments, transportation issues, parents "stopping by", things that need to be handled right then and there, YOU KNOW!  In addition to all of the activities, I've also added in some of my favorite first week of school activity ideas and some free download links of back to school resources.

There is a LOT included in this kit.  I will post a full description below (it's long!).  You can also click here to go to Teachers Pay Teachers to view the free PREVIEW file and see more of what's included.


This kit includes the following activities:

“School Words” Picture Chart: Use this chart with many of the activities in this kit.

Read and Write the Room: Includes 18 cards and a recording sheet. Hang the cards throughout the room. Students will search for the cards and write the word from the card next to the picture on their recording sheet. Pointers and clipboards can also be provided for students to use in their search for the words.

Crayon ABC Order: Includes 26 lowercase crayon letter cards and 26 uppercase crayon letter cards. Cut out crayon cards and mix them up. Students will put the crayon cards in order from A-Z. Optional recording sheets are included—choose which will work best for your class/grade level. I have also included labels that can be printed and adhered to 6x9 envelopes to store the crayon cards.

Read It, Trace It, Write It, Draw It: Three pages included—use some or all of the pages. Students will use the “School Words” Chart to help read the words that are listed. After reading the word, students will trace the word, write the word, and then draw a picture of the word (again using the “School Words” Chart for reference, if needed). Extension ideas for this activity are also included.

Back to School Clip Cards: *Use with clothes pins. Students will use clothes pins to clip the beginning sound for each picture. Two optional recording sheets are included. These can be used during the activity to record the answers students have clipped or can be used after for a follow-up activity. Students may use the “School Words” Chart to self-check their answers.

Word Building Cards: Build the school words by matching the letters on the word building cards with individual letter cards (included). You could also use plastic letter tiles, plastic/magnetic letters, or dry erase markers for less prep. Word building cards will need to be laminated if used with dry erase markers.

School Words - Color and Label: Use with the “School Words” Chart, if needed. Students will label the pictures with the correct word. A word bank is listed at the bottom of the page. After labeling the words, students will color the pictures. Extension ideas for this activity are also included.

Painting Word Families: Print and cut on the lines to separate the paint palettes from the brushes. You can cut around the shape of the brush to make it look more like a paintbrush, but this is not necessary. Students will touch the brush to the paint colors and blend the sounds together to make words. There are 5 paint palettes/brushes and 5 recording sheets for the following CVC word families: at, et, ig, ot, ug.

Back to School Word Search: This is a great activity for a center, to have on students’ desks when they enter the classroom on the first day of school, or for any time that you need a time-filler to take care of some business the first week of school - you know how little issues seem to pop up unexpectedly! Words are straight across or down (no diagonals or backwards words). An answer key is also provided.

I have also included some of my favorite first week activities and free downloads of more great first week activities.

Alphabet Tracers - ONLY $1.00 and a GREAT Target Dollar Spot Find :)

Wednesday, July 8, 2015 No comments
I was so excited when I found these erasers in the Dollar Spot at Target!  I knew they would be PERFECT for my "On The Road Alphabet Tracers" kit!

These erasers have moving wheels that really roll like a real race car :)  I know the kids will LOVE them - it will make tracing the letters that much more engaging.

Here's the kit I am referring to:
 It includes all upper AND lowercase letters:

(Click on the picture for more info)

The letter pages are 8.5 x 11



Here are a few more "action shots"!

I've added a few more items to my Teachers Pay Teachers store recently:

Click on the photos or links to view each item:

And don't forget the raffle!