Teachers Pay Teachers BIG SALE Sunday and Monday!!!!
Friday, August 16, 2013
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Stop by my store on Teachers Pay Teachers on August 18th or 19th where everything will be 20% off plus the TPT extra 10% off when you use the code: BTS13

Back to School Gifts for Teacher Friends
Monday, August 12, 2013
Today was our first day back (for teachers - students come back next Monday). I made a little "Back To School" gift for the teachers on my team. Found these cute bags with matching notepads/pens and daily reminders/things to do pad at Michaels. I used my Silhouette to spruce the bags up a bit with a monogram. Wish I could give them all much more - they mean the world to me!
I also put up my Scientific Method Posters. I made a ribbon banner (?) - ribbon sign (?)....not sure what to call it! Here's a photo:
I have this kit up on TPT for only ONE DOLLAR and it includes the smaller posters - 1/2 sheet (like I used to make this) and the full size - whole sheet posters. It also includes activities!
My class is coming together! I'll post some photos soon :)

The Scientific Method - Printable Posters and Activities :) Get a copy for free!
Saturday, August 10, 2013
Just finished uploading a new kit on Teachers Pay Teachers. This is all about The Scientific Method! I love Science and am so excited that I will get to teach it to THREE different classes this year :) I am teaming with two other first grade teachers so we will all teach our own reading block and then the classes will rotate after lunch between Science/Social Studies and Writing and Math.
Here are a few images, but you can see the complete kit in a free preview. Just go here and click on "Download Preview" at the top of the page under the "Add to Cart" button.
This kit contains:
*6 Full-Size Scientific Method Posters (8.5 x 11) plus a Title Header
*6 Half-Size Scientific Method Posters (8.5 x 5.5) plus a Title Header
I made these in two sizes so they can fit in large or small spaces in your classroom!
*2 Full-Size Scientific Method Map Sheets for students to write about each step in the Scientific Method when conducting an experiment (one with clip-art and one without).
*2 Half-Size Scientific Method Map Sheets (one with clip-art and one without) - this half-size is perfect for gluing to the inside cover of a Science Notebook!
*2 Half-Size Scientific Method Map Sheets (one with clip-art and one without) - this half-size is perfect for gluing to the inside cover of a Science Notebook!
*A printable student book. Students will color pictures and label each step of The Scientific Method on the corresponding page. On the last page they will draw a line to match the step number with the step name.

The BEST Pencil Sharpener!!!
I got my new pencil sharpener today from Classroom Friendly Supplies and I'm in LOVE :) It REALLY does work as good as I'd heard! Smooth and QUIET. I've been sharpening a lot of pencils today :)
You have got to check it out and let me tell you, they ship really fast too!
You have got to check it out and let me tell you, they ship really fast too!

If you want to see a video of how this works, check this out. My classroom sharpener is terrible so this will be soooo useful and I can tell by the weight and the fact that it is made of metal that it will last for a long time!!! $24.99 - That's a steal!

Magic Playdoh - First Day Fun {Free Printables}
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
Well, this year I got lazy. I usually make the playdough for Magic Playdough from scratch but I decided to buy it this year because I saw this on Amazon for $10 (with free two day shipping for Prime Members). I figured by the time I drove to the grocery store and bought what I needed to make it, it would cost about that much anyway.

Click here to see it on Amazon:
If you do Magic Playdough I have some free printables below. If you don't, YOU SHOULD!!! It's such a fun first day activity and my students LOVE it!!! I even have a horror story about the year that I forgot to put the food coloring in some of the playdough balls.....but I won't get into that :)
If you've never done Magic Playdough before, here's how it works: Roll up some playdough balls and poke a hole in the middle with your finger. In the hole put about 2-3 drops of food coloring and then take a piece of white playdough and cover up the hole. Don't squeeze because you don't want the food color to show through the playdough. I then put each ball into a separate quart-size baggie and put the "Magic Playdough" poem label (see below) on the front of the baggie. Actually I put the labels on the front of the baggies before putting the playdough in, much easier that way.
In class I put the large poem (below) under the document camera and I read it, we all read it and talk about it. Then I give every student a baggie and tell them not to touch it until I say so. When they all get their baggies I tell them to go and they squish and squeeze the playdough ball - while it is still inside the baggie (I don't let them take it out until they get home - food coloring stains!). They are all excited to find that their playdough was "Magic" and they will all have a great year when they see the color change.
Here are the printables I made for this - you can click on these to go to Google Docs and download them if you'd like to use them:
This is the poem I use under the document camera:
Here are the labels I put on the baggies. These print on Avery 5163 labels (or you could print on paper or cardstock and staple or glue to the baggie).

If you aren't lazy and want to make the playdough from scratch, here's the recipe I have used:
“Magic” Playdough
Playdough Recipe
You will need:
1 cup salt
2 cups flour
2 tablespoons cream of tartar
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
2 cups water
food coloring
You will need:
1 cup salt
2 cups flour
2 tablespoons cream of tartar
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
2 cups water
food coloring
What to do:
Whisk together the dry ingredients in a saucepan. Add the “wet” ingredients. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly until mixture forms into a ball (about 3-5 minutes). Remove from pan on to floured surface. Cool slightly. Then knead it until smooth. Store in ziplock bag or airtight container in the fridge.
Whisk together the dry ingredients in a saucepan. Add the “wet” ingredients. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly until mixture forms into a ball (about 3-5 minutes). Remove from pan on to floured surface. Cool slightly. Then knead it until smooth. Store in ziplock bag or airtight container in the fridge.
How to add the “magic”:
Form the playdough into ball shapes. Poke a hole in the ball and put 2 or 3 drops of food coloring in the hole. Form the playdough back into a ball again, covering the drops of food coloring.
Form the playdough into ball shapes. Poke a hole in the ball and put 2 or 3 drops of food coloring in the hole. Form the playdough back into a ball again, covering the drops of food coloring.

Thursday, August 1, 2013
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I had a request for these :)
Click HERE for the "Welcome To Our Class" labels. These fit on Avery 5163 labels (or you can print, cut and glue them).
Click HERE for the postcards. There are two pages to this document, these are meant to be printed front and back. Page one is the front, page two is the back. I print these on cardstock so they are thick like a postcard. These are four to a page.
Hope you can use them!

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