Welcome Activity Mats for the First Day of School

Sunday, July 29, 2012
I made these last year and loved using them on the first day of school.  I had one at each student's seat when they walked in the door that morning.  It was a GREAT activity to do together on the front and then let them finish the back independently while I tended to unpacking school supplies, etc.

These are to be printed on LEGAL-SIZED paper, which is 8.5 x 14.  If you don't have a ream of legal paper for school, go get one!  I use it a lot for students to draw on and for making booklets to fold in half - there's just more paper there to work with!  But I digress......

I put both grades in the one download (so you will get both First Grade and Second Grade in this download).  The pages are meant to be printed back to back (the "Welcome to _____ Grade" on one side of the paper and the drawing page on the other side.

Click here to go to TpT.  You can download the Free Preview to see exactly what you are getting (except the red "Preview" word will not be on the paid download).  Best of all, this is ONLY $1.00!!!


  1. I hope you don't mind I used your format but tweaked it for Kindergarten. Great idea! :)

  2. Hi Cindy! I did a Bing picture search of P___ the cat and your classroom page came up. On the page you said to contact you if we wanted the materials. How can I get them from you? Our back to school theme is Achieving the Gold. Eh...but I thought I could jazzy it up with some cats and cat materials! Cats on a track in shoes, cats on rings, cats on bars, cats in the audience... You get the idea. How ever I also want to use the cat story books. "It's all good!" rushroth@aol.com

  3. What a great idea! I am your newest follower.

    I'm having a MEGA giveaway with alt of first grade things! Feel free to stop on by and enter. :)


  4. hey! A very nice blog. the idea is also great. I like the way how it turned out. Thank you for sharing.Welcome mats
